As revised by Kiwanis International – October 2012
1.1. This organization is the “Kiwanis Club of Utica-Shelby Township” K04814, which is a member of Kiwanis International and exists only by charter granted by Kiwanis International.
1.2. The primary purpose of this club is to improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide by adhering to the Objects of Kiwanis International, which are:
2.1. Adults of good character and good community standing may be admitted to membership in this club by invitation or by transfer from another Kiwanis club upon no less than a majority vote of the board.
2.2. Members in good standing are entitled to all rights and privileges of the club. To be in good standing, members are obligated to pay the dues and fees provided in club policy and comply with any other criteria provided in club policy.
2.3. Members not in good standing may be suspended or removed by no less than a majority vote of the board. At least fourteen (14) days previous notice of such pending action must be provided to the member. The member will have the right to appear to present his/her case to the board on or before the meeting at which action will be determined.
2.4. A member may resign by submitting written notice to the club. Any member who resigns or has been removed from club membership forfeits all interest in any club funds or property and all rights to use any Kiwanis marks.
3.1. The administrative and fiscal year of this club is the same as Kiwanis International, which is October 1-September 30.
3.2. The board will determine the frequency, day, time, and place of regular club meetings, no less than once each month. Special club meetings may be called, and scheduled meetings may be cancelled or rescheduled, by a majority vote of the board or club members, provided at least 48 hours previous notice is given. Subject to laws of local jurisdiction, club members may meet and conduct business by any method that allows all participants to simultaneously communicate with each other or as otherwise allowed by law. Participation constitutes attendance. Normal club meeting rules apply. If any votes taken verbally are unclear, they should be taken by roll call.
3.3. One meeting each year between January 1 and May 15 will be designated as the annual meeting for club elections. At least 30 days previous notice of the annual meeting must be given to members.
3.4. This club may have standing committees as determined by a majority vote of the board and defined in club policy. The president may create and appoint additional committees as desired to conduct club goals and activities, subject to approval by the board, with their purpose, term, and duties defined upon creation.
3.5. At least one-third (1/3) of the club members in good standing constitutes a quorum, and no less than a majority vote of the members present and voting is required to approve all business unless otherwise provided in these bylaws or club policy. At least fourteen (14) days previous notice of any pending vote must be given to the members.
3.6. This club may host activities to inform club and community members about matters of public interest. However, this club will not express any opinion or take any action regarding any candidate, legislation, or other matters of a political nature.
4.1. The officers will be a president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, and secretary. The officers may also include one or more vice-president(s), if so defined in club policy. This club will also have a minimum of three (3) directors as stated in club policy. No offices may be held by the same person except those of secretary and treasurer, and no person shall simultaneously serve as an officer and a director. This club may also have such other offices as may be required by the laws of local jurisdiction. The names, terms, and duties of such offices, as well as the processes for elections and filling of vacancies, will be included in relevant provisions of the club’s bylaws and/or policies.
4.2. Officers’ duties are as defined below and as may be additionally provided in club policy:
4.3. Directors have such duties as usually pertain to the office or as may be assigned by the president or board.
5.1. Each officer and director (and nominees for same) must be a member in good standing with this club. Any qualified, consenting member may be nominated either in advance or from the floor, according to club policy.
5.2. The immediate past president is the most recent president willing and able to serve. The secretary may be either appointed or elected, as provided in club policy. All other officers and directors, including the secretary unless he/she is appointed, will be elected at the club’s annual meeting by a majority vote, following a process provided in club policy.
5.3. The president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary, and vice president(s), (if any) will serve one-year or two-year terms as provided in club policy, beginning October 1 of each year. Directors may serve up to three-year terms, as provided in club policy, with each term beginning October 1 after election.
5.4. Vacancies will be filled as follows:
6.1. The club board of directors (referred to in these bylaws as “board”) consists of the president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary, vice president(s), (if any), and all directors, and such other positions as may be required by the laws of local jurisdiction.
6.2. The board has the following responsibilities:
6.3. A majority of the members of the entire board constitutes a quorum, and a majority vote of the board members present and voting is required for all business unless otherwise provided in these bylaws or club policy.
6.4. The board will meet regularly at a designated place and time that it determines. The board may hold special meetings at the call of the president or a majority vote of the board, provided at least forty-eight (48) hours previous notice is given to board members of the date, time, place, and topic(s). Subject to laws of local jurisdiction, the board may meet and conduct business by any method that allows all participants to simultaneously communicate with each other or as otherwise allowed by law. Participation constitutes attendance. Normal board meeting rules apply. If any votes taken verbally are unclear, they should be taken by roll call.
6.5. The board may take no action in conflict with an action of the membership. Other than disciplinary measures, an action of the board may be rescinded or amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the members.
7.1.“Conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family” is defined in Kiwanis International Policy as any conduct that:
7.3. A club shall discipline any member whose conduct is determined by the club to be ‘conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family,’ or else the club shall be considered out of compliance with acceptable standards of Kiwanis International and may have its charter suspended or revoked as provided in the Kiwanis International Bylaws.
7.4. If an officer or director is alleged by the president or a majority vote of the board to be failing to perform his/her duties, the board will investigate the allegation and determine the matter at a special meeting in executive session held within forty-five (45) days after the investigation is complete or as soon as reasonably possible. Written notice of the allegation, investigation, and meeting must be given to the accused member at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing. The accused member will be permitted to attend the hearing and present a defense. If the allegation(s) is sustained by no less than a two-third (2/3) vote of the entire board, the position will be declared vacant.
8.1. Monies received for club service activities, regardless of source, may be used only for service activities. Separate accounting records must be maintained for service funds and administrative funds.
8.2. By October 15, the board will adopt separate budgets of estimated income and expenses for the administrative and service funds of the club.
8.3. The club’s financial records will be examined annually by either (a) a qualified accounting firm; or (b) a standing financial review committee, as provided in club policy. The club’s accounting records will be available for inspection by the accounting firm or the committee and, upon request, by the president or board. A written report of the annual financial examination shall be submitted to the board.
8.4. The board determines the official depository/ies of club funds and designates the person(s) authorized to pay club charges.
8.5. Club membership dues, fees, and other assessments, as provided in club policy, must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice of the vote and proposed amount is given to the members.
8.6. The club board will provide for the prompt payment of all dues, fees, and other obligations to Kiwanis International and to its district and federation (if any).
8.7. If this club ceases operations for any reason, the club board will provide for proper distribution of club funds or other assets, in accordance with applicable law. Funds or assets not otherwise designated will be transmitted to the Kiwanis International Foundation or the district foundation.
9.1. This club’s bylaws and policies will comply with all applicable laws in its local jurisdiction.
9.2. For authority on all matters not covered by these bylaws, the following documents will apply, in this order of priority:
10.1. This club will incorporate or register as required by law with the proper government authority(ies) within one (1) year from its charter date and maintain such incorporation or registration.
10.2. These bylaws will only be amended to comply with the Standard Form for Club Bylaws, as approved now or in the future by Kiwanis International. Amendments may be adopted by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the members. These club bylaws and any amendments thereto are not effective unless approved by Kiwanis International.
10.3. If any provision of these bylaws is determined to be invalid, all other provisions still remain in effect.
10.4. The club membership shall consider and adopt the mandatory club policies required by Kiwanis International, which complete provisions stated in the bylaws. Adoption shall be by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the club members.
10.5. The club board may adopt other club policies that are not in contravention of the applicable laws, club bylaws, Kiwanis International bylaws, and district and federation bylaws (if any), by at least a majority vote of the club board members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the board members. Note: Optional Policy L has special requirements for adoption.
“Kiwanis Club of Utica-Shelby Township” K04814
As stated in the club bylaws (Sec. 10.4): “The club membership shall consider and adopt the mandatory club policies required by Kiwanis International, which complete provisions stated in the bylaws. Adoption shall be by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the club members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the club members.” Policies A-F must be considered, completed, and adopted by the club and submitted to Kiwanis International for approval with the club’s bylaws.
Notes: Use this policy to state the current amount of dues and other fees(if any) for your club. (a) The dues and new member enrollment fee amounts should include the current Kiwanis International dues and fees, district dues and fees (and federation dues and fees, if any). (b) If new members are alumni of Service Leadership Programs, clubs should not charge them for Kiwanis International dues for two years after joining the club. (See Bylaws Section 8.5 regarding how club dues and fees are set.
Members will pay the following financial obligations to the club:
A member is not considered in good standing with the club if he/she:
Officers and directors terms are as follows:
The election process for this club is as follows:
To perform its annual financial examination as stated in Bylaws section 8.3, this club: Hires a qualified accounting firm* Committee members’ terms shall be for one year each, October 1 – September 30. It is recommended that no person serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
Note: An annual examination of financial records should include, but not be limited to, bank reconciliations, income, disbursements, budgets, balance sheets and income and expense statements for both the administrative and service accounts, budgets, and any other financial records or reports of the club.
*If the accounting firm is affiliated with a club member, a conflict of interest form should be completed. Contact Kiwanis International for a sample
As stated in the club bylaws (Sec. 10.5): “The club board may adopt other club policies that are not in contravention of the applicable laws, club bylaws, Kiwanis International bylaws, and district and federation bylaws (if any), by at least a majority vote of the club board members present and voting, provided at least fourteen (14) days previous notice is given to the board members.”
The policies listed below are for consideration by the club because they may assist in club operations. However, they are not mandatory and may or may not be adopted, at the club’s discretion. Optional policies do not require approval by Kiwanis International.
Note: Per Bylaws section 3.2, each club is required to meet no less than once per month. The club board determines the frequency, day, time, and place of regular club meetings. The club may use this policy to list club meeting information. However, this is not a reporting mechanism; if your club’s meeting information changes, please report it separately to Kiwanis International.
Officer’s and directors’ duties, other than those defined in the club bylaws, are as follows:
This club has the following standing committees:
The club does not wish to use this policy.
The club does not wish to use this policy.
The club does not wish to use this policy.
The club does not wish to use this policy.
Note: A club policy on an additional topic(s): (1) may not be in contravention of other Kiwanis governing documents or applicable local laws; (2) should assist club operations in a strategic way; (3) should be long-term, lasting multiple years, until or unless changed or rescinded; (4) must be properly adopted as stated in Section 10.5 of the Standard Form for Club Bylaws.
Date Adopted: 6/4/2020
Date Approved:
Club Secretary: Janice Maiorano