Career Focus Prep at West Utica Elementary

This spring ten of our members had the opportunity to visit West Utica Elementary’s sixth grade classrooms to discuss our careers, goals and more as a part of a project to help students further develop their interpersonal skills. Our club members sat with small groups of students, allowing them a chance to ask questions about our careers, path of education, interests, hobbies and more.

One member shared her experience: “It was great to see a transformation in many of the students in such a short amount of time. Many started off shy, not making eye-contact and hesitating to engage in conversation. By the end of our time, they were communicating with confidence, asking follow-up questions and smiling.” The students are preparing for a Career Focus Luncheon where they will dine with business and community leaders, listen to a keynote speaker, and share a presentation they have created about their future careers.

The Career Focus Luncheon is sponsored by the UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence in partnership with Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce & Industry and in cooperation with Utica Community Schools. Its purpose is to introduce students entering young adulthood to a variety of career options. Through your involvement, they will have a better idea of the skills they will need to succeed in life after high school graduation.